A to Z Shortcut Key's
Ctrl + A = All Select (This is Use for Select Whole Page in a Once Time.)
Ctrl + B = Bold Text (This is Use for Bold Text Selected Text Only.)
Ctrl + C = Copy (This is Use for Copy any Subject/Object.)
Ctrl + D = Duplicate/Font (This is Use for Duplicate any Subject/Object. other open Font.)
Ctrl + E = Align Center (This is Use for Align Center Subject/Object in a Page.)
Ctrl + F = Find (This is Use for Find any Text in Document.)
Ctrl + G = Go To (This is Use for Go to text in Document.)
Ctrl + H = Replace (This is Use for Replace Text another word.)
Ctrl + I = Italic (This is Use for Italic Style Text in Selected Paragraph.)
Ctrl + J = Align Justify (This is Use Align Justify for Document as a Project.)
Ctrl + K = Hyperlink (This is Use For Attached any File in Current Document.)
Ctrl + L = Align Left (This is Use for Align Left to Paragraph or Words.)
Ctrl + M = Margin (This is Use for Margin Set in Document According to Paragraph.)
Ctrl + N = New Document/ New Page (This is Use for Take a New Page.)
Ctrl + O = Open File (This is Use for Open Save file.)
Ctrl + P = Print (This is Use for Print or View Print Preview Document.)
Ctrl + Q = Re-Margin (This is Use Set Re-Margin in Document).
Ctrl + R = Align Right (This is Use for Align Right Paragraph.)
Ctrl + S = Save File ( This is Use for Save File in Computer.)
Ctrl + T = Tab Space (Increase Indent) (This is Use for Increase Indent for Ruler.)
Ctrl + U = Underline (This is Use for Underline Selected Text.)
Ctrl + V = Paste (This is Use for Selected Subject/Object Copy and Cut then Using Paste.)
Ctrl + W = Close Document (This is Use for Close Window or Screen.)
Ctrl + X = Cut (This is Use for Cut the Selected Subject and Object.)
Ctrl + Y = Redo (This is Use for Redo Subject and Object after Using Undo Command.)
Ctrl + Z = Undo (This is Use for Undo one Step Backward in Page on Same time.)
Thanks for visit.