MS Word Tutorial all Command in Home Tab?
Paste: Selected subject/Object Cut or Copy then After using Paste. otherwise not for using paste option without cut and copy.
Cut: This option use for Move the subject/object then using cut.
Copy: This Option use for Make a Duplicate Subject/Object then using Copy.
Format Painter: This Option using for Same Formatting in Subject the use for Format Painter. same formatting apply in another place.
Font Face (font Family): Its is use for Change the Font Styles. by default Font Face in Document Calibri (body).
Example: Arial, Calibri, Calibri (body), Arial Black, Times New Roman etc.
Size: It is use for Increase/Decrease text size. by default size is 11.
by default size min or Max 8 or 72.
Bold: it is use for Bold text for Highlight Dark.
Italic: it is use for add emphasis to a word or text.
Underline: it is use for Underline in text. there are different types underline styles display in option or Colors.
Strikethrough: it is use for Check the Text for Cross checking in Document.
Subscript (X2): it use for Subscript the Word in Paragraph.
Example: H2O etc.
Superscript (12th): it use for Superscript the Word in Paragraph.
Example: 12th etc.
Text Highlighter Color: it is use for important Text highlight in Document.
Example: To
make your document look
professionally produced, Word provides header, footer, cover page, and
text box designs that complement each other.
Font Color: it is use for Color in Text.
Example: To
make your document look professionally produced, Word provides header, footer, cover page, and text box designs that
complement each other.
Change Case: There are 5 types of Change of case in MS Word
- Sentence Case
- lowercase
- Capitalize Each Word
Clear Formatting: it is use for remove all formatting in selected text. but not remove for highlight color.
Before: To
make your document look professionally
produced, Word provides header, footer, cover page, and
text box designs that complement each other.
After: To
make your document look professionally
produced, Word provides header, footer, cover page, and text box designs that
complement each other.
Bullet Library: It use for apply different types bullets in paragraph and Given options. like Bullets, Numbers, Alphabets, Small Alphabets, Roman Number, Small Roman Number, also Define new bullets etc.
Multi level List: use for paragraph for multi options in topics like a article, section, Heading etc.
Alignment: this option use for Align the Text, Pictures and Shapes Like a Align Center, Align Left, Align Right and Align Justify using for Paragraph Equal Setting for Both Side.
Line and Paragraph Spacing: this option using for mange space in paragraph.
Decrease indent: It is use for decrease indent in paragraph. (move the Ruler in left side).
Increase indent: It is use for increase indent in paragraph. (move the Ruler in right side).
Sort: it use for Sort the Data. Example select data and click on sort option then choose any option Ascending or Descending.
Shading: it is use for apply shading color in a row selected paragraph.
Border: it is use for apply Border selected paragraph. more border styles also available in this option.
Heading Styles: there are different types heading styles apply. choose your option.
Find: it is use for Find any Word in Paragraph and Document.
Replace: it is use for Find Word in Paragraph and Document then after Replace different Word. Before Replace You must find the word then after Replace Word.
Select All: it is use for select all page in once time.
Select Objects: it is use for Select only objects. like Shapes and Pictures etc.
Select Similar Formatting: it is use for Select the Same Formatting text in Document.
Selection Pane: it is use for Show the Side Panel Display All Object Work in Document.
Thank you😊
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